Sunday, 2 November 2014

Frozen in time

Finally got around to watching Frozen, sure back some childhood Disney fun.

As part of a generation of twenty-somethings that has grown up on a staple of Disney fairytales (way back in the days before the iThis and xThats were around), I was secretly excited about Disney's Frozen. A new Disney princess! And a queen too. 

Turned out I wasn't the only one excited at the prospect. And the end result with a group of girlfriends was pretty unanimous: we loved it. 

So what made Frozen awesome for me? (beware spoilers ahead!):

·Anna the princess wasn't the most perfect, beautiful and charming femme fatale around. She had qualities that many of us relate to. She's awkward, clumsy, wakes up late and can't for the life of her hold up a conversation with the men she likes. 

Long time, No Blog...

Dear readers,

Apologies for the long hiatus!
We’ve had some issues where we’d found Kiwi Shawarmas content re-published without our credit or consent. Oh plagiarism is so uncool.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Getting Inked - The Do's & Don'ts of Getting a Tattoo

Hello my lovelies! Missed me? I know its been ages since we've blogged, sorry for the long silence.
A lot has been happening in the past few months, more on that in my next few posts. I was down in New Zealand this August and guess what... I decided to get inked! I've been pondering on getting a tattoo for ages, and my Pinterest feed is flooded with possibilities.
We don't have tattoo parlors in the UAE. It is banned here (but you can get makeup tattoos for eyebrow enhancements, lip coloring, etc.). So when I passed by Power House Tattoos in New Zealand, I had to have a browse.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

A Model without the Makeup

Archana Akil Kumar is a fashion model from India. She has graced the covers of many coveted publications. She looks every part the glamor girl that is expected of her trade.

Then I found her on Miss Malini's webite... don't get me wrong. I think she is fresh faced and pretty. Very much the girl next door if you ask me. But glamorous definitely does not come to mind.

Oh the tricks of great makeup artists and fashion clothing!

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... or the very talented media industry!

To all you girls feeling un-pretty out there, remember it's all an illusion.

xxx Big Sis.