
Saturday 10 August 2013

5 Ways to Buy Happiness

Who says money can't buy happiness? It all depends on how you choose to invest your hard earned cash (whilst saving some for a rainy day).

1) Splurge on an experience: an expensive outfit might give you a momentary thrill, but a great holiday will give you memories you will cherish for years to come.

2) Look after yourself: health really is wealth. Invest in good health coverage, go for regular check-ups, indulge in a day at the spa, and put that gym membership into use.

3) Learn a new skill: try your hand at something new. Take pottery classes, buy a canvas and paint. DIY can be very therapeutic.

4) Be generous: give to the less fortunate, and you will soon relish the satisfaction that comes with helping others.
5) Save for a rainy day: life is unpredictable, so cushion yourself for downfalls with a healthy saving. A little cash in the piggy bank will keep you confident even when times are rough. Got sacked? A little saving might be the differentiating factor between taking that next job offer just because you need a paycheck, or being able to wait for the real career you've been yearning.
-Big Sis. 

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