Happiness is a state of mind, and we have more control over our emotions than we think. Sometimes its the little things that make it click, other times we need to get out of our comfort zone, take the rocky road and follow our dreams.
I have a collection of quotes I've been saving off the internet, and I hope you find these little gems as motivating as I did.
1. Happiness is Gratitude
1. Happiness is Gratitude
Gratitude is being satisfied with what you already have and loving where you are right now.
2. Happiness is Sharing
What goes around comes around, do onto others as you'd like to be done to, karma... sharing is loving, and you have nothing to lose but gain a great deal of love and appreciation. It's the little things that count...
3. Remember You Can't Make Everyone Happy
Don't lose yourself in making others happy. There will always be negative people who are not worth your time and effort. Put yourself first.
4. Surround Yourself With Positive People
5. Happiness Is Self-Love
Happiness is an attitude, it comes from within. Don't depend on others, your surroundings or materialistic things to give you inner peace.
6. Love Yourself
How can you expect others to love you if you don't love yourself? When you love yourself, it shows in your confidence, your optimism and your attitude towards life and to everyone around you. You are unique, be proud of being you!
Hate, self-doubt, envy... these are major road-blocks on the path to happiness. Dispell the negativity. Life is not a competition, work hard for what you believe in, stay positive and count your blessings.

8. Live In The Present
The present is a gift, that's why its called the 'present'! We all tend to dwell in the past and worry what the future holds, but if we live our 'here and now' to the fullest, we leave far less room for regret.
9. Keep The Faith
Life is full of ups and downs. We wouldn't appreciate true happiness if there was no hardship and sorrow on the way. Expect rainy days, but never lose hope.
10. Take Chances
Life is full of surprises. Opportunity comes knocking when we least expect it, and taking a risk can be a gamble. Follow your heart and you might be amazed by the outcome.
11. Indulge In Yourself
Money can't buy you happiness, but there are always little things that can make your day. A little me-time, getting lost in a great book, a relaxing massage session, a decadent cupcake... indulge in yourself, because you're worth it (as L'Oreal ads say!).
12. Fake It!
When you just don't feel peppy enough, its ok to fake it. Smile like you mean it, and you'll soon be fooling yourself into a happier you. Trust me, it really works. Choose to be happy!
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