
Thursday 21 March 2013

Happy Mothers' Day!

Today is Mothers' Day this side of the globe (in New Zealand it's the second Sunday of May). So how lucky is our mum! We get to wish her twice every year!
It's also a great reminder to us of how lovely she is and how much we love her. Ok I'll leave all the senti sobby bits for another time... One thing I miss about being away from home is my mum's company when I shop. She's a die-hard shoppaholic and is loads of fun to shop and eat out with. After becoming a mum myself two years ago, I appreciate my mother even more. Apart from labour pains, the time and energy that goes into looking after a little child far exceeds a full-time day job. And my mum had three children! And I lived at home till my mid-twenties! Yes I am a sissy and yes I am very spoilt. My younger siblings are by far more worldly-wise than me.
This song has been playing in my head all day. At the risk of sounding cheesy, I have to admit its always been one of my favourite Spice Girls songs, and being Mothers' Day and all, its the perfect excuse to play it. So here goes...
Alot of young people these days have never even heard of the Spice Girls (makes me feel ancient!). But I'm sure they've heard of Posh Spice (aka Victoria Beckham).
Happy Mothers' Day to all you lovely mothers out there (including me teehehehe...).
 - Big Sis.

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